Sunday, October 28, 2012

Nocturnal Day

Nocturnal Day!
The first graders had fun learning about Nocturnal Animals at school.
We turned off all the lights but one.  We put black paper over the window so it would be nice and dark.  The children wore pajamas to school!
Mrs. Harris' first grade class!
We had fun in Spanish too!

We painted spooky eyes!

We made edible bats.

We made bats.

We wrote about Nocturnal Animals.

We made paper bats!

What a fun day!!!

Our Favorite Eric Carle Books

We love Eric Carle!!





Wedding of the letters Q and U

The Wedding of Letters Q and U
The first graders had so much fun at the wedding!
The children promised to always keep the letters Q and U together in the English language.
We also had a reception after the wedding with cake and punch! Yummy!
Thank you so much Mrs. Scullion!  We loved the wedding!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ice Cream Sundae Party

We filled the Gem Jar!  The class voted to have an Ice Cream Party!  Yummy!
Adding the great topping to the ice cream.
Smiles everywhere!
Eating and enjoying the ice cream.

It tastes SO good!
We are trying to fill up the Gem Jar again!!



                      The children did a great job decorating the room with their amazing work!
Math Color Graph
Art Center Turtles
Math Center  Patterns
Art Center Firefly

Painting Center Seahorse

Painting Center Rubber Duck

Painting Center Apple Tree
Art Center
Listening Center
Centers are so much FUN!!


Apple Fun

                          We had so much fun with APPLES!

We tasted three different apples: Yellow Delicious, Red Delicious, and Ganny Smith.  Then we wrote about our favorite apple.


Then we graphed out favorite apples.

We had so much fun learning about apples and tasting apples.